Monday, January 24, 2022

Dragon Ball - Legacy Of Gine Vol. 14

Episode 78 -  Vegito and Vidine - The Great Miracles Of Potara Fusion!

In his current mental state,Gohan is barely a match for the new intelligence Super Buu Lvl.2. Unable to just stand by,Gine and Videl decide to try the Metamoran Fusion Dance and fight Super Buu as a fused warrior. Both barefoot (yes,Videl is barefoot too) fighters preform the dance perfectly,but it doesn't work due to to the wide gap between them (Gine is 62-63,while Videl is 17). 

Meanwhile, in Otherworld,King Yemma decides to send Vegeta back to Earth to help in the fight against Super Buu. On the Sacred World of the Kais, Old Kai decides to revive Kakarot,so that he can return to Earth and fight Super Buu Lvl. 2. 

After restoring Kakarot's life,Old Kai mentions that he can only revive a person only once,so if Kakarot dies again,he's screwed. He also gives Kakarot 2 sets of Potara Earings. Old Kai explains to Kakarot that if he and another person each wear one on the opposite ears,they will fuse together. He tells Kakarot to give the other pair to the 2 ladies,who He's sure will be a great help.

Old Kai then reveals the Potara fusion will result in a much more powerful warrior than one created by the Metamorese variety and that there are no limits on who the users can fuse with. Finally,he mentions that for Mortals,the fusion will last an hour. 

Back on Earth,Tien Shinhan arrives and fights Super Buu .Dende gets the chance to heal Gohan's injuries. Tien finds out that he is terribly outclassed by Super Buu. Super Buu defeats Tien and is about to kill him,but Kakarot suddenly appears and sends a Destructo Disk at Super Buu,which cuts off his legs and part of his head antennae.

Super Buu's separated legs deal Tien a crushing kick,which completely incapacitates him. Afterwards,the legs return to Super Buu. Desperate to stop Super Buu,Kakarot throws Gohan a Potara earring,but his aim is off,and he misses. The Potara earring is lost in the rubble. 

Kakarot tosses the other 2 Potara Earrings to Videl and Gine,but once again his aim is off and the earrings land far from where the barefooted ladies are. As Gohan,Gine,and Videl scramble to find the earrings,Kakarot goes Super Saiyan 3 to hold off Super Buu.

Inside Super Buu,Gotenks' fusion wears off. This causes Super Buu to lose over 1/3rd of his power and changes his appearance. Realizing what has happened,Kakarot declares he can now defeat Super Buu without fusing with Gohan by himself and prepares to fight him.

Knowing he needs a massive power increase,Super Buu causes the part of his head antennae that was cut off earlier to suddenly engulf Gohan. Super Buu reabsorbs the blob containing Gohan and becomes even more powerful than before. Now back in control of the fight,Super Buu toys with Kakarot. Kakarot suddenly senses that Vegeta has returned. He uses Instant Transmission to teleport to his location.

While Super Buu is distracted,Dende heals Tien. Videl and Gine finally find their Potara Earrings and wonder how to use them. Meanwhile,Kakarot tries to convince Vegeta to fuse. However,Vegeta is angry at Kakarot because he knows he was holding back his Super Saiyan 3 transformation when they fought each other.

With Vegeta refusing to cooperate,they are forced to take on Super Buu individually,but they are clearly outclassed. Videl and Gine finally figure out how to work the Potara Earrings and fuse into Vidine. Vidine,like with Videl and Gine,is also barefoot. Complete with a pretty purple pedicure.

Meanwhile,Kakarot tells Vegeta that Super Buu absorbed Trunks and Gohan,but killed Bulma as well.This news shocks Vegeta. Kakarot asks Vegeta to put their differences aside to save their families.  Meanwhile Vidine is confronting Super Buu.

Vegeta finally agrees and the two Saiyan rivals fuse into Vegito.Vegito joins Vidine in fighting Super Buu. Together,the 2 fused warriors are far superior Super Buu,even with his recent upgrade. Meanwhile,Android 16,Dende and Hercule Satan arrive at the battle scene just as Super Buu has decided to destroy the Earth. Super Buu creates 2 massive balls of energy and throws them towards the Earth.

Vegito and Vidine easily catch them nd deflects them into space. Super Buu says that he has yet to fight at his full power. Vegito says the same and powers up to a Super Saiyan. Vegito is now Super Vegito. And to everyone's surprise,Vidine is able to go Super Saiyan as well. Vidine is now Super Vidine.

The 2 fused warriors pound the crap out of Super Buu. Super Buu angrily warns them that if they kill him,their Love Ones will die with him. Vegito and Vidine simply tell Super Buu that they'll just cripple him then and if they accidentally kill him,they'll just wish everyone back with the Dragon Balls,so it's no problem.

Super Buu uses mind games against the warriors,and it works - for about a minute. After shaking off the mental damage,the 2 warriors beat the hell out of Super Buu and manages to tear off his head antennae. 

After getting beaten up very badly,Super Buu notices the his ripped-off head antennae and gets an idea. He taunts the 2 warriors,all the while having his head antennae sneaking behind them.

The antennae expans to a massive size and engulfs both Vegito and Vidine. Super Buu calls the pink blob back to him and absorbs it. After absorbing Vidine and Vegito,Super Buu notices that he has not taken on any of their characteristics and assumed that his enemies have not been digested yet.

However,Vegito and Vidine had planned for the turn of events in order to save their family and friends.


Episode 79 - The Ultimate Terror is Buu's True Form!

Vegito and Vidine used a energy barriers to evade being absorbed while shrunk by Super Buu's magic absorption process. Once they dispels the barrier,Vegito unexpectedly splits back into Kakarot and Vegeta,while Vidine splits back into Videl and Gine. Vegeta takes advantage of this unexpected event to crush his Potara earring,since he refuses to use the Potara Fusion again. Kakarot destroys his as well,while Videl and Gine just put there's in their pockets.

Vegeta also explains to them that they will not need any type of fusion once they weaken Super Buu by releasing his absorbed victims. Gine and Videl are grossed by at Buu's innards and don't like the way the "ground" feels underneath their bare feet. Kakarot chuckles at this and Vegeta tells them that this is what they get for going barefoot. The ladies decide to float.

The 4 eventually reach the area where Super Buu is keeping his "People Pods",with each Pod containing an absorbed fighter. They cut down the cocoons of Gohan,Goten,Trunks,and Piccolo. As the Pods are cut down,Super Buu regresses to his normal form.

Dende,Android 16,and Hercule Satan continue to follow Super Buu. Back inside the monster,Gine finds the original Majin Buu. Kakarot reads his thoughts to find out what happened to him. Suddenly,a thought form of Super Buu himself appears,and thanks to him being in full control of the area,the Z fighters find themselves in a very tough battle.

Eventually,Super Buu finally decides that he has had enough,and he tries to absorb the 4. Gine saves Vegeta from being absorbed. As Vegeta recovers,Kakarot,Gine,and Videl continue to fight the thought form of Super Buu.

Kakarot is rapidly losing energy,Gine and Videl aren't faring any better. Just as Super Buu is about to defeat the 3 Z Fighters,Vegeta cuts down the pod containing the Original Majin Buu. This causes Super Buu to go mad as he explained that he needed his counterpart to maintain his current existence.

As Super Buu's insides begin to change,Gine,Videl,Kakarot,and Vegeta realize that they must leave. They each grab a pods containing their fellow Z Fighters and try to find a way out. On their way through his body,they notice one of the tunnels that leads to one of the holes in Super Buu's skin,where the steam escapes.

The quartet are able to fly out through here. When they emerge on the other side, all 8 of them return to their normal size. As the Z Fighters set the pods down,they observe Super Buu bulking out before shrinking into a childlike version of himself.This frightens the hell out of the Supreme Kai,who's watching the events. 

Chiaotzu aerrives to see Tien. Tien tells his little friend that it's too dangerous here and tells him that he needs to leave. But Chiaotzu is adamant. Meanwhile,The Supreme Kai reveals to Old Kai that the being is Majin Buu's original,and most dangerous,form. He explains that,as East Supreme Kai Shin,he was part of a group of four Supreme Kais,who each oversaw a quadrant of the universe and served under the Grand Supreme Kai Daikaio.

One day,after destroying a few galaxies,Majin Buu came to the Sacred World of The Kai's. Guided by his creator,the evil wizard Bibidi,Majin Buu fought the and killed the West and North Supreme Kai's. He then absorbed the Supreme Kai of the South and assumed a hulking form.

The East Supreme Kai faired better than his counterparts,but was also defeated. Kid Buu later fought and absorbed Daikaio,which suppressed Kid Buu's focus and destructive impulses. As a result,Kid Buu became the fat Majin Buu that the group first encountered.

Back on Earth,Kid Buu grows bored and creates a powerful ball of energy,which he throws at the Earth intent on destroying it. Goku,Gine,and Vegeta deflect it. In retaliation, Kid Buu creates a ball of energy ten times more powerful than the previous one,and he throws it at the Earth.

Knowing that they currently do not have enough strength left to stop it,Kakarot,Gine,and Vegeta grab everyone and teleport away. Kakarot and Vegeta grab Dende,Mr. Satan,Tien,Chiaotzu,and Bee. Gine grabs Videl,Gohan,Piccolo,Android 16,Goten,and Trunks. As the Earth is about to be destroyed,Supreme Kai appears and instantly transmits everyone to the Sacred World of the Kais. Supreme Kai heals Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo. 

After being blasted apart by Earth's destruction,Kid Buu reforms his body. Kid Buu goes on a rampage throughout the galaxy in search for the Z Fighters. He destroys every planet he does not find them on.

Meanwhile,on the Sacred World of the Kai's,Gine asks for Videl's Potara earring and gives it,along with her own,back to The Supreme Kai,telling him that while Fusion is cool,it's best to win battles with ones own abilities. Vegeta agrees with this,as does Kakarot. Supreme Kai senses that Kid Buu is in the Otherworld.

Kid Buu arrives on the Grand Kai's planet and starts a fight with Pikkon,who he easily defeats. After growing bored,he prepares to destroy the World.Gine,Kakarot,Gohan,and Vegeta raise their power levels to get Kid Buu's attention.

After sensing their energy, Kid Buu abandons his attempt to destroy the Grand Kai's planet. Kid Buu teleports himself to the Sacred World of the Kais.


Episode 80 - The Ultimate Battle For The Universe Is On The Supreme Kai's World!

Gohan instructs Videl,16,Tien,Chiaotzu,Dende,and Hercule to escape with the Kai's,as they wouldn't be effective against this New Buu. Tien and 16 agree. Hercule refuses and tells everyone that he thinks he can still reach his old friend,Buu.

Not caring too much about him,Old Kai allows Hercule to stay. Videl gives Gohan a kiss and wishes him luck. Dunde wishes everyone luck as the Supreme Kai teleports the non-combatants to a distant world. Supreme Kai takes the crystal ball that allows them to watch the battle.

Kid Buu arrives. Gohan decides to go first,as he's as strong as this new Buu incarnation. He powers up to his Ultimate Form and starts beating up Kid Buu. The battle is even,and everyone is shocked to see how much more powerful This Buu incarnation is,compared to Super Buu. Kid Buu conatantly gets damaged,but heals and/or regenerates himself each time.

The battle lasts for 3 hours and Gohan begins to tire,Kid Buu on the other hand,isn't. In fact,he has infinite stamina. This fact puts some worry into the heroes. Gohan is eventually worn down and defeated. Kakarot and Gine step up to face Kid Buu and blast him apart,but he reforms. Kid Buu creates another massive energy ball and throws it down at the planet. Gine is able to deflect it,but Kid Buu guides the ball back around and into the planet. Powerful shock waves rock the entire planet and disfigures its shape, which leaves the surface ragged and uneven.

Goten and Trunks fuse into Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks and Kakarot turns Super Saiyan 3 as well. Gine and Vegeta power up their Super Saiyan 2 forms. And Piccolo powers up,as well. Hercule is both shocked and amazed at the powers and abilities of the Z Fighters. He takes a look at Gohan and admits that maybe he Is good enough for Videl. Piccolo warns Vegeta that since he's still dead,he'll spend the rest of eternity in oblivion if his body is destroyed. Vegeta aknowloges this and promises to be careful.

The Z Warriors and Kid Buu continue to fight,with each of them taking powerful blows from Kid Buu and vice versa. Kid Buu folds himself into a ball again and hits Kakarot hard.Gotenks encases Kid Buu inside an energy ball,with the intentions to play Volleyball wth him again. But Kid Buu,being stronger than Super Buu and Super Buu Lvl. 2,easily breaks out and attacks Gotenks.  

Gohan returns to action and saves Gotenks. Gine and Kakarot put all of their energy into a massive Mother/Son Kamehameha and blasts Kid Buu,but Kid Buu simply reforms and heals himself. Kakarot returns to his normal state and collapses from exhaustion.

Vegeta steps in,but he finds that he is no match for Kid Buu,and Kid Buu beats him up. Just as Kid Buu is about to deal Vegeta the finishing blow,Gotenks and Gine push him out of the way. Piccolo uses his "Special Beam Cannon" to snip Buu and it hits him dead-on in the head,leaving a hole in it. Kid Buu reforms his head and goes after Piccolo,Gohan saves Piccolo and continues to fight Buu,despite being exhausted. 

Gine and Gotenks join in the furious fight with Kid Buu. Kakarot regains some stamina and joins the fight as a Super Saiyan 3. Vegeta reminisces about all of the fights he and,Gine,and Kakarot were in,and finally admits to himself that Kakarot and Gine Are worthy Saiyan Warriors after all. He also admits that Gohan was the only Saiyan that he had grown to fully like and fully respect,besides his Parents,that is. Vegeta gets up and re-joins the battle.

The 5-on-1 battle seems to be working against Buu,even with him regeneration and self-healing. All Z Warriors deal a lot of damage to him,with the little pink monster doing just as much. But as the fight goes on,the Z Warriors start to lose stamina and start growing tired. Kid Buu takes advantage of this to deal massive attacks to each of the Heroes. Gotenks splits back into Goten and Trunks and the Saiyans lose their Super Forms.  

Kid Buu laughs maniacally at the Z Fighters current situation. Kakarot asks Vegeta if Fusion is still an option,because he's out of ideas. Vegeta refuses to do that "Stupid" Metamoran Dance. Gohan volonteers. Gine tells Kakarot that she and Vegeta will keep Buu occupied,while they practice the Fusion Dance.

As Vegeta and Gine fight Kid Buu,Gohan and Kakarot practice the Fusion dance. Both Saiyans go Super Saiyan 2. Piccolo and the Half-Saiyan Kids join the battle,as well. Kid Buu beats them all. He turns his attention to Hercule Satan,who he intends to torture for fun. But as he attemps this,something inside stops him.

Kid Buu throws up a pink pod,which transforms into Majin Buu. Everyone is shocked by this. With no goodness in him,Kid Buu laughs like a mad man and attempts to kill Hercule again,but just as he is about to do this he notices something,as do the others. Gohan and Kakarot have proformed the Fusion Dance correctly and have become - Kakahan!

With stamina partially restored,Kakahan wastes no time and fights Kid Buu. Kid Buu,realizing that Kakahan is stronger and faster,he remembers that the Fusion will only last for 30 minutes,so he decides to bide his time and avoid any attack that could destroy him whole.

The battle is one sided,but Kid Buu uses his regeneration,healing,and infinite stamina to his advantage and eventually manages to outlast the fused warrior. Meanwhile,Hercule Satan goes to his friend Majin Buu to see if he's alright. Buu slowly awakens and is happy to see Hercule and Bee. After 30 minutes,Kakahan defuses back into Gohan and Kakarot.

Majin Buu promises to protect Hercule from the "Bad Buu" and enters the battle. As Majin Buu battles Kid Buu,Vegeta comes up with a plan.


Episode 81 - The Final Battle To Save The Universe Is In The Hands Of Planet Earth!

Majin Buu is no match for Kid Buu, who begins to severely beat him. Hercule Satan tries to help Fat Majin Buu,but his help is ineffective.Gohan,Trunks,Goten,and Piccolo join the fight. Vegeta puts his plan into motion. First he communicates with Dende and tells him to go to New Namek to gather the Namekian Dragon Balls.

The Supreme Kai and Old Kai take Dende,Tien,Chiaotzu,Android 16,and Videl to New Namek. Once there,they are met with Elder Moori,who knows about the situation and has gathered the Namekian Dragon Balls. He also mentions that thanks to some training,he managed to increase Purunga's power,so now the Dragon can revive multiple people at once - unless they've died of natural causes or have been dead for a 2 years or more.

Porunga is summoned,and Vegeta tells Dende his two wishes - Bring back the Earth and restore it to its undamaged state,and then to revive all of the non-evil people that were killed by Majin Buu and Super Buu.

These two wishes are granted. Vegeta comes back to life,which proves that he is no longer evil. Gine takes notice of this and is glad to have the Price of Saiyans on the good side. Vegeta just scoffs at this. Kakarot asks what Vegeta's planning? Vegeta reveals the main part of his plan to destroy Kid Buu - For Kakarot to use the Spirit Bomb. 

The people of Earth come back to life,as does Android 17. Kibito,sadly isn't revived. Android 17 arrives at Dende's Lookout and is sees that everyone is alright. Android 18 is happy to see that her Brother has been revived.

Back on the Sacred World of the Kai's,Gine volunteers to create the Spirit Bomb instead,as she hasn't had a good enough opportunity to use it. Vegeta asks Gine if she could handle it? Gine tells him that she can and gets into position. Kakarot joins the others.

With the help of King Kai,Vegeta speaks to the entire population of Earth. Vegeta tells the people of Earth what is going on,and that in order to defeat Kid Buu,they'll need to raise their hands up and offer their energy. Only the Z Fighter's family and friends comply because no one else is willing to listen to a "mysterious voice" from the sky. The Namekians,Dende,Supreme Kai,and Videl also offer there energy,a swell. 16 wishes that he could,but can't thanks to being 100% construct.

Vegeta repeatedly pleads with the Earthlings,but to no avail. While this is going on,Majin Buu and the other Z Fighters are buying them time by fighting Kid Buu,but it's not going well. Meanwhile,Gine still hasn't gathered nearly enough energy required to destroy Kid Buu.

Vegeta continues to plead with the people of Earth,but no one will listen to him. Majin Buu and most of the other Z Fighters had finally lost all of their energy,Gohan is still in this fight. But after a few minutes,Gohan suffers a big stamina drain and loses. Vegeta steps in but is no match for Kid Buu.

This time,Gine asks the Earthlings to raise their arms up and donate some of their energy,and small pockets of people who recognize her voice (like king furry) or just like her kind attitude. However,despite this,the vast majority still remain unconvinced.

Kakarot,Piccolo,Gohan,Goten,and Trunks donate their remaining energy to Gine's Spirt Bomb. Hercule Satan has finally had enough,and he speaks to the people of Earth. When they hear the familiar voice of the "World Champion," all of the people of Earth raise their arms up and offer their energy. The Spirit Bomb is finally ready.

Gine is ready to throw the huge Spirit Bomb at Kid Buu,but the other Z Fighters are in the way. Despite Vegeta's pleas,Gine refuses to take out her friends and loved ones with Kid Buu. Suddenly,Majin Buu gets up and holds Kid Buu down long enough for Hercule Satan to pull Vegeta and the others to safety. Kid Buu kicks Fat Majin Buu aside,and Gine throws the Spirit Bomb.

The Spirit Bomb hits Kid Buu, but she starts pushing it back. Goku uses all of the remaining energy she has left trying to push it back at Kid Buu,but he is still too powerful. After a brief moment of panic,Vegeta suddenly remembers that they still have a third wish with Porunga. He instructs Dende to wish for Gine's power level to be restored to normal. The wish is granted,and upon turning into a Super Saiyan,Gine is easily able to force the Spirit Bomb back at Kid Buu.

As she does so,she silently wishes that Kid Buu had been a better person and hopes to fight him as that different person some day in the future. The Spirit Bomb hits with full force and destroys Kid Buu completely. With no speck of Kid Buu left,peace has been restored.


Episode 82 - Ultimate Victory Belongs To The Z Fighters!

After the battle,The Supreme Kai,Dende and the others return. Dende and the Supreme Kai heal everyone. Vegeta wants to destroy Majin Buu,but Gine and Hercule convince him not to. Supreme Kai is disappointed that Kibito wasn't revived,but Dende tells him that they can use the Earth's Dragon Balls to revive him. He also mentions that a month before the whole Majin Buu incident,he managed to re-calibrate the Dragon Balls to grant 3 Wishes.

The Supreme Kai teleports the Z Fighters,Dende,Hercule,and Android 16 back to the Lookout,where they are greeted by their family and friends. A few days later,after they've re-gathered all 7 of Earth's Dragon Balls,the Z Fighters and Supreme Kai summon Shenron on the Lookout.

The 1st wish,at Hercule Satan's request,is to make everyone forget that Majin Buu was ever evil. Shenron grants that wish. The next wish is to revive Kibito. Kabito appears and is reunited with the Supreme Kai. For the final wish,Chi Chi wishes for more money,so that her family can be provided for. The Dragon grants Chi Chi's wish and a bag fulled with a load of 50,000 zenni bills apears at her feet.

With the wishes granted,Shenron departs and the Dragon Balls scatter. Supreme Kai and Kibito give their thanks to the Z Fighters and depart for the Sacred World of the Kai's,where they'll continue to watch over the Universe.

With Majin Buu's evil wiped from the minds of everyone,Majin Buu assimilates into society and lives with Hercule,Videl,and the dog Bee. Hercule Satan is still considered the Worlds Hero,getting rich on his stardom. Videl still trains hard in both fighting and in academics. Her hopes to be the Worlds Greatest Detective is still at the top of her "Life To-Do List".

She goes barefoot everywhere except for School and when She's out in the City. Krillin and Android 18 moved out of Kame House and are living in a home in West City with thier Daughter Marron. 18 eventually got her Zenni reward from Hercule Satan and recieves daily foot fubs from Krillin. 

Tien and Chiaotzu return to the Mountains to train. Tien gains ambitions to reboot the Crane School. Yamcha,Oolong,and Puar are still living in West City  Bulma has become the new President of Capsule Corp after her father Dr. Brief steped down. Trunks and Goten continue being friendly rivals and best buds. Both continue there training under their respective fathers.

Vegeta works as a Security Chief at Capsule Corp,though on the weekends and holidays,he trains hard to catch up to and,eventually,serpass both Kakarot and Gohan. Piccolo is living peacefully on The Lookout with Dende and Mr. Popo.

Gohan is balencing his studies and training perfectly. While he loves fighting evil and will always defend Earth when needed,His biggest "Life Goal",is to become a scholar. He and Videl have become an item. Hercule Satan lives the life in his Mansion with Majin Buu and Bee the Dog. With everyone forgetting that Buu was ever evil,he assimilates into Society. Hercule and Buu remain the best of friends.

Android 16 and Android 17 co-run a Wildlife preserve.

Chi Chi is continuing her daily life as Mom and Housewife. She loves going barefoot around the House,something that Bulma eventually adapts. Meanwhile,Kakarot,at Chi Chi's insistence,runs his Adoptive Grandfather's old Vegetable Farm,where he grows and sells Vegetables to various markets in Towns and Cities. He continues to train in his spare time.  

As for Gine...

Gine is standing,barefooted,wearing a her Z Worrior outfit is standing ontop of Mount Paozu,watching the sun set. Kakarot joins her and the 2 reminise on the past - from their arrival on Earth to their Training with Grampa Gohan to Meeting Bulma to Facing Demon King Piccolo to her fated confrontation with Frieza. 

Gine has accomplished many great things in her life and regrets few. She tells Kakarot that after a day of deep reflection,she's decided to fully retire from fighting and become an "Old Master". She believes that she would do way better for the World if she trained the Next Generation of Fighters,instead of taking part in the fights herself.

Kakarot tells his Mother that,reguardless of what she does next,he'll always be proud of Her. The 2 share a hug. Kakarot requests a 1-on-1 sparing match with Gine,just for old times sake. Gine smiles and tells Kakarot that she'd love one.

And So...Mother and Son begin their epic sparing match.

The End (?)

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