Thursday, January 20, 2022

Dragon Ball - Legacy of Gine Vol. 13

Episode 73 - The Terrifying Re-Awakening Of Majin Buu!

Gine urges Majin Vegeta to fight Babidi's control. Majin Vegeta responds by callously firing a big blast at a section of the crowd. Thankfully,Gine is able to deflect it. Gine,angry,tells Majin Vegeta that if he wants a fight,she'll give him one - a Damn good one. The Supreme Kai objects,but Gine tells him that there is no choice. She asks Babidi to change the location,where they can fight without the company of innocent civilians.

Babidi does just that. Supreme Kai,Android 17,and Gohan decide to go on ahead and leave Gine,Kakarot,and Majin Vegeta to their fight. Gine and Kakarot transform into Super Saiyans and ready themselves. Babidi attempts to command Majin Vegeta to kill them. Majin Vegeta's refuses and reveals that his pride allows him to defy Babidi's demands.

While the Saiyan's fight gets underway,energy builds up for Majin Buu each time Kakarot and Gine take damage. Gohan,Android 17,and Supreme Kai arrive at Majin Buu's egg,where they are confronted by Babidi and Dabura. Before the fight between them can begin, Majin Buu's egg reaches full power because of the energy released during The Saiyan's battle.

Kakarot,Gine,and Majin Vegeta's fight continues to escalate. Kakarot goes Super Saiyan 2,while Gine goes Full-Power Super Saiyan. Majin Vegeta reveals he chose to go under Babidi's control to gain the strength to face off against Kakarot,as well as Gine. He also felt that he needed to get rid of his gentle side,as he believes it made him weak.

As the seal containing Majin Buu starts to break, Gohan attempts to stop Majin Buu from reaching full power by shooting multiple Super Kamehameha blasts at the egg in an attempt to destroy it. 17 also lends a hand.

Following the attack, the egg splits apart, but only pink smoke comes out of it. Supreme Kai presumes that Majin Buu had been destroyed. However,17 and Gohan sense a powerful energy from the pink smoke,which forms Majin Buu,who appears to be nothing more than a mere fat child. 

Everyone seems to be bewildered by Majin Buu's childlike behavior. They are curious as to whether his reawakening was actually botched. However,Majin Buu soon shows off his frightening strength when he effortlessly beats Dabura. The rise in Majin Buu's power level catches the attention of the other Saiyans.

Gine and Kakarot try to convince Majin Vegeta to postpone the fight in order to stop Majin Buu. Majin Vegeta agrees,but knocks out Kakarot when he drops his guard. Gine attacks Vegeta for tricking her son,but is pushed back by Majin Vegeta's Ki. Majin Vegeta tells Gine that he realizes that he let Buu loose and wants to make things right.

Majin Vegeta takes Kakarot's last Senzu Bean and tells Gine that he's gonna take care of Majin Buu himself. Gine objects and tells Vegeta that it will be best if she joined him. Majin Vegeta refuses her aid,but thanks her anyway. He tells her to take care and leaves for the fight.

Android 17 and Gohan fight Majin Buu and do really well,but when Buu powers up,he completely overwhelms the 2. Seeing that they have no choice,17,Gohan,and Supreme Kai attempt to flee from Majin Buu,but he easily catches up to them. Majin Buu proves himself to be immune to Supreme Kai's attacks.

Majin Buu gets hungry,so he turns Android 17 into a Candy Bar. Satisfied with his snack,Buu continues his assault. Majin Buu completely overwhelms Supreme Kai and Gohan. Supreme Kai uses the last of his strength to make sure Gohan survives Majin Buu's attack.

Majin Vegeta has witnessed that Gohan has been killed and decides to blow up Babidi's spaceship. Gine also senses Gohan's death,which makes her transform into a Super Saiyan 2. Gine decides to remain where she is to protect Kakarot,should Majin Buu come here.

Before Majin Buu can destroy Supreme Kai,he is attacked by Dabura,who believes Buu cannot be made to obey anyone. Meanwhile,Goten and Trunks arrive nearby. Unfazed by Dabura's attacks,Majin Buu uses his unique ability to turn Dabura into a cookie and eats him. This nullifies the petrification on Krillin and Piccolo. Before Majin Buu can do the same to Supreme Kai, Majin Vegeta arrives on the scene. 

Majin Vegeta is willing to put his life on the line to destroy Majin Buu. Majin Vegeta begins his assault after confronting him for killing Gohan,as Piccolo becomes shocked and horrified by what Vegeta has said. Majin Vegeta manages to blast a hole through him. However, Majin Buu manages to regenerate himself and builds up his anger to create a giant explosion. This deals a great amount of damage to Majin Vegeta.

Seeing Majin Vegeta getting a beat-down,Trunks and Goten can no longer stand by and attack Majin Buu. While this is going on,Piccolo attacks and kills Babidi. Feeling he cannot defeat Majin Buu with conventional means,Majin Vegeta says his farewells to Trunks before knocking both him and Goten out.

Majin Vegeta instructs Piccolo to take the children far away. Piccolo warns Majin Vegeta that he can sense what he's going to do and will die as a result. But,Majin Vegeta doesn't care. He asks Piccolo if he'll meet up with Kakarot in Otherworld? But,Piccolo tells him that because of his selfishness and his lifetime of doing evil,he will lose his body when he dies,so that the answer is no. 

Majin Vegeta excepts this and tells Piccolo to leave now. Before he leaves,Piccolo asks where Android 17 and the Supreme Kai are? Majin Vegeta tells them that The Kai is on deaths door,but Android 17 was killed when Buu turned him into a Candy Bar. This shocks Piccolo.

Once everyone is cleared from the scene, Majin Vegeta uses his last resort move. Majin Vegeta overloads his Super Saiyan 2 form and sacrifices himself in a massive self-destructive explosion in order to obliterate Majin Buu.


Episode 74 - The Horrifying Big Pink Demon's Day Out! 

As Bulma and the others from the stadium follow Videl's directions in pursuit of Goten and Trunks, they are hit by the shock wave from Majin Vegeta's attack and almost crash. Android 18 and Videl (who is still barefoot) save them. After Majin Vegeta's body turns into stone and disintegrates following his self-destructive explosion,Piccolo leaves Goten and Trunks with Krillin. Piccolo tells Krillin to inform the others that Majin Vegeta,Android  17,and possibly Gohan have been killed.

He investigates the site of Majin Vegeta's sacrificial attack and finds various charred fragments of Majin Buu. However, Piccolo is shocked to witness the fragments suddenly come to life and reassemble Majin Buu.. Majin Buu uses his power to heal himself. He then decides to have some "Fun" and leaves.

Piccolo decides to take Goten and Trunks up to Dende's Lookout. Kakarot regains consciousness. Gine's happy that her Son is alright and informs him about the current situation. The 2 decide to teleport to Kami's Lookout,as they sense that Piccolo and Krillin have been restored to normal.

Meanwhile,A weakened Supreme Kai finds Gohan,whose banged up badly. He heals himself and teleports Gohan away. Bulma and the others search for and gather the Dragon Balls,just in case on an emergency. Android 16 thinks that they might need them.

Back at the look-out,Piccolo and Krillin leave Goten and Trunks in the care of Dende and Mr. Popo. They are soon joined by Gine and Kakarot, who learns about the situation. Kakarot and Gine reveal that they are not strong enough to defeat Majin Buu,who's power eclipses Cell's by a ton.

Kakarot mentions having learned a technique known as the Metamorese Fusion Dance. Gine has read about that during her youth on Planet Vegeta,and explains that the Fusion Dance is a Metamoran special technique which allows two people who are of a similar build,similar age,and similar strength to merge into a powerful being.

Kakarot had originally planned to do this himself with Vegeta,since they are the closest in age. Gine suggests that maybe Goten and Trunks could fuse,since they fit all of the requirements needed to use it. Kakarot likes the idea. Gine and Kakarot leave to bring their friends to the Lookout to keep them safe.

At Capsule Corp,the Bulma and the others are celebrating collecting all 7 Dragon Balls. Gine and Kakarot arrive and explain the situation. They use Instant Transmission to teleport everyone to the Lookout.

Once there,Bulma and the others learn more about what's going on. Videl,Chi Chi,and Bulma are saddened by Gohan and Vegeta's death. While,Android 16 and Android 18 are upset at the loss of Android 17. 18 wants revenge,but Gine convinces her that she isn't strong enough to defeat Buu and to let Goten and Trunks avenge their friends and family. 16 agrees with Gine.  

Majin Buu suddenly telepathically introduces himself to the World and tells everyone that the Earth is now his "Toy Box" and he loves playing rough. Piccolo almost sets off,but Gine convinces him to stay. He says they can bring back everyone who dies with the Dragon Balls.

Supreme Kai and Gohan arrive in the Sacred World of the Kais. The Supreme Kai heals Gohan and tells him that he wants Gohan to master the legendary Z-Sword in order to defeat Majin Buu. After giving Gohan a "Kai",the Half-Saiyan gets to work. Back at Dende's Lookout,Goten and Trunks wake up and are upset of the news that Gohan and Vegeta are dead.

After being calmed down,Gine and Kakarot give the boys a crash course in Fusion. Meanwhile,Majin Buu is having fun terrorizing people and destroying cities. Meanwhile,using his Super Saiyan strength, Gohan manages to pull the Z-Sword from its resting place. As Goten and Trunks begin their Fusion training with Gine and Kakarot,Piccolo and Dende sense that Majin Buu's next target is West City.Bulma is freaked as she left the Dragon Balls back at her home in Capsule Corp.

Bulma orders Trunks to fly to West City to retrieve the Dragon Balls. Kakarot leaves to delay Majin Buu. Kakarot confronts Majin Buu and in order to buy Trunks some time, he builds up a large amount of energy. This also uses some of his remaining time on Earth.

Kakarot eventually transforms into a Super Saiyan 3,his strongest form yet. The immense power of Super Saiyan 3 is felt even in the Sacred World of the Kais. Kakarot begins his battle against Majin Buu,who demonstrates an ability to copy other people's techniques.

Trunks arrives at Capsule Corporation,but he struggles to find where the Dragon Balls are. Bulma realizes that she forgot to tell Trunks that the Dragon Balls are in a Radar-Proof Case in her Lab. She manages to inform Trunks about it.,via phone call. Trunks eventually finds the case and leaves.

Kakarot senses Trunks has accomplished his mission. He undoes his Super Saiyan 3 transformation,which upsets Majin Buu,who was having fun fighting him.Kakarot informs Majin Buu that an even stronger opponent will face him in two days. Kakarot then returns to the Lookout. Majin Buu is happy and can't wait to fight the "Strong Guy".

While he waits,Majin Buu continues to freely terrorize and destroy cities. Thanks to him going Super Saiyan 3 and using a ton of energy,Kakarot has less than thirty minutes left on Earth. Kakarot and Gine wastes no time teaching Goten and Trunks the key to the Fusion technique. The Fusion technique is a somewhat embarrassing-looking Fusion Dance. Gine admits that the Dance,despite only reading about it and not actually seeing it for herself,looks kinda fun regardless of how silly it looks.


Episode 75 - Hercule Satan Saves The World...For A Moment!

Majin Buu lays waste to another village and turns its citizens into clay in order to build himself a house for a brief rest. Meanwhile,Goten and Trunks are slightly bored from their training. They ask Goku to show them his Super Saiyan 3 transformation. Gine advises against this,as Super Saiyan 3,as far as she could tell,drains a lot of energy,and he needs it for his remaining time on Earth.

Kakarot tells his Barefoot Mom that it'll be fine and transforms. However,He uses up the remainder of his time on Earth. After saying goodbye to everyone,Kakarot returns to the afterlife and leaves the Fusion training in the hands of Gine and Piccolo. Meeting up with King Yemma, Kakarot is relieved to hear that Gohan is not dead,and he decides to follow his energy trail.

Kakarot arrives on the Sacred World of the Kais,where Gohan is training with the Z-Sword. Kakarot decides to help Gohan with his training. Meanwhile, Majin Buu has already killed two thirds of Earth's population. With Gohan growing more proficient with the Z-Sword,Kakarot tests out the sword's sharpness by throwing a metal cube at it. Gohan slices it in 2.

The Supreme Kai throws a solid block of Kachin,the hardest material in the Universe at Gohan to slice. However,the Sword breaks upon contact. From the broken sword emerges the Supreme Kai of 15 generations ago aka Old Kai. 

After the Supreme Kai reveals the current situation to Old Kai,he asks him for his assistance? Old Kai reveals he has the ability to draw out someone's true power beyond their limits. Gohan volunteers to take part in the ritual.

It's then revealed that the ritual is a lengthy process that can take over a day to complete. Meanwhile,after some trial and error,Goten and Trunks successfully fuses into Gotenks.Gotenks is confident that he can defeat Majin Buu with his current power level. He goes off in search of Majin Buu,despite Piccolo's warnings.

Gotenks arrives to fight against Majin Buu. Despite showing a great amount of strength,Gotenks is overwhelmed by Majin Buu's power. Gotenks barely manages to escape back to the Lookout. Meanwhile,the King's Army launches an all-out attack against the Monster. Majin Buu fights back and kills everyone.

With no other hope left,the World turns to Hercule Satan,who reluctantly agrees to take on Buu. Hercule eventually confronts Majin Buu and attempts to take him down with traps disguised as presents. They all prooves ineffective. Majin Buu is amused at Hercule Satan and decides to make him his servant.   

After completing his ceremony,Old Kai instructs Gohan to sit still for the next 20 hours in order to complete the power-up. Meanwhile, Goten and Trunks learn how to perform the fusion while in Super Saiyan form to become Super Gotenks. Gotenks' cockiness almost leads him to confront Majin Buu again, but he ends up retreating when the fusion time runs out.

Elsewhere, Majin Buu inadvertently befriends a small dog after healing its injured leg,while Mr. Satan almost manages to convince Majin Buu to stop killing humans and destroying property. The 2 become friends soon after. Hours later,a greedy and sadistic hunter arrives,on a mission to take down Majin Buu himself. He inavertently shoots the dog,which leaves Majin Buu shocked and infuriated.

After managing to calm down Majin Buu's rage by dealing with the thugs himself, Hercule Satan discovers that the dog is barely alive. Majin Buu manages to heal the dog just in time. Majin Buu,Hercule,and the dog (who Buu named,Bee) start becoming closer.

However,one of the thugs from earlier shows up and shoots Hercule,which causes Majin Buu to be overcome with anger. After healing his friend,Majin Buu instructs him and Bee to get away from him. The evil in Majin Buu's body escapes in smoke in thick form and transforms into a tall,grey,skinny version of Himself.

Majin Buu attempts to fight against the Evil Buu,but he finds out that he is much weaker,since most of his power had been transferred over to his evil side. As a result,Evil Buu manages to reflect Majin Buu's candy attack back at him,which turns him into chocolate. Evil Buu eats Majin Buu and begins a horrifying transformation. Super Buu is Born. His first act is killing the Hunter Thug. Thanks to traces of Majin Buu,Super Buu is unable to attack Hercule and Bee.

Sensing the energy of Piccolo and the others,Super Buu arrives at Dende's Lookout and demands to fight against Gotenks. Piccolo attempts to stall for time by telling Super Buu to wait and reluctantly tells him to hunt down and kill all of the Earthlings while he waits.

But Super Buu simply uses his "Human Extinction" Attack from the Lookout and kills everyone below. Gine and Videl convince Buu to wait an hour. So he does. Buu picks up Videl's DNA sent and realizes that it's the same as Hercule Satans,so he decides to spare her.

Piccolo,telepathically,instructs Gine to bring Goten and Trunks to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, in order to make use of what little time they have. Despite Android 16 and Gine's warning,Android 18,angry about her Twin Brother's death at the hands of Buu,charges the Monster. Buu simply turns her into a Lemon Pie and eats her,shocking Krillin and 16 and making Marron cry. Krillin promises to make Buu pay.

Gine leaves to wake up the Half-Sayan children and informs them of the situation while taking them to the Time Chamber. Meanwhile,on the sacred World of the Kai's,Gohan is tired of waiting any longer and starts to doubt the Old Kai's abilities. However,he discovers that he has indeed managed to increase his power,so Gohan agrees to wait for the power-up to be completed


Episode 76 - The Bombastic Super Fusion Warrior Gotenks!

After 30 minutes,Super Buu grows impatient and demands to be taken to his opponent? Piccolo,having no choice,leads Super Buu to the Chamber,but as a stalling tactic,takes the long way. Piccolo believes that even if Goten and Trunks fail,they can destroy the Hyperbolic Time Chamber's entrance and trap the Monster there.

Piccolo continues to lead Super Buu to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber,while Gine trains Goten and Trunks hard to save the world and avenge the loved ones that Buu killed. Super Buu senses the stall tactic and gets extremely angry.

Due to this,Piccolo finally takes Super Buu to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. After a warm-up round and playing around,Super Buu and Gotenks begin to fight,with Gine and Piccolo assisting the fused warrior.

Gotenks decides to use some of his new special moves. The problem is that these moves,while flashy, are ineffective against Super Buu. The special moves used by Gotenks have ridiculous names such as the "Screaming Angry Wombat". Even Gine thinks they are ridiclulous,but is amused by them anyway.

After it is clear that these moves have no effect,Gotenks goes Super Saiyan. He creates a ring of energy called the "Galactic Doughnut" and uses it to trap Super Buu. After a brief struggle,Super Buu is able to break the ring.

Gine,Piccolo,and Gotenks continue to fight Super Buu. Gotenks decides to use another one of his special moves called the Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack. He spits out a ghost of himself and uses them against Super Buu. The ghosts that detonate with explosive force when they are touched. The attack is effective and Super Buu is reduced to a deformed puddle.

Gine delivers a Super Feet Kamehameha from above to blast Super Buu into little peices. Gine tells Gotenks that he isn't the only one with "Unconventional" attacks. Gotenks calles Gine's move "Well Played"

Gine,Gotenks,and Piccolo destroy all of the pieces,but the smoke coming from the pieces gathers above their heads and reforms Super Buu. To play up the drama of the situation,Gotenks acts like he is out of ideas. Super Buu begins beating up Super Saiyan Gotenks.

Thinking that Gotenks cannot stop Super Buu,Piccolo destroys the door to the outside world,which appears to trap the thre4 e of them in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for all eternity. both Gine and Gotenks blast Piccolo for doing this. But Piccolo says that he had no choice.

Hysterically upset at the prospect of being trapped in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber forever,with nothing to destroy and no sweets to eat,Super Buu starts to scream. To everyone's surprise,including his own,his screams become so powerful that they create a hole in the barrier between the dimensions of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and Earth.

Super Buu changes shape in order to fit through it,and the hole closes. This leaves Piccolo,Gine,and Gotenks trapped. Back on Dende's Lookout,Super Buu is hungry and excited at the prospect of turning more people into food. Krillin and 16 fight back,but are defeated. Krilin is turned into a Chestnut and eaten,but since Android 16 is a machine,Buu's Food Beam has no effect on him.

Videl and Chi Chi go in for an attack,but are beaten. Chi Chi is turned into a blob of milk,which the Monster drinks. Super Buu decides to spare Videl due to her connection with Hercule.Videl and Android 16 are forced to watch in horror as friend be turned into candy and eaten. After his feeding frenzy, Super Buu leaves to cause more mayhem.

Back inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber,Gine,Piccolo,and Gotenks have been attempting to scream loud enough to create an inter-dimensional hole like Super Buu did,but they have no success. Gotenks decides to play his trump card and transforms into a Super Saiyan 3.

In this state, he has the power necessary to create a hole for him and Piccolo to jump through. Upon their return to Dende's Lookout,they realize that they were too late to stop Super Buu. Videl tells the Z Warriors that Super Buu ate all of their friends and family. Gotenks and Gine are enraged,and promises that Super Buu will pay. 

Android 16 says that he'll stay on the Lookout,as he would only be a hindrance in the battle. Piccolo,Gine,and Videl leave with Gotenks to pursue Super Buu. They find Buu killing a few surviving animals for fun. After a confrontation,Gine,Piccolo,Videl,and Gotenks begin to fight Super Buu. During the battle,Super Buu folds himself into a ball and begins repeatedly shooting himself at the heroes.

While still in a ball,Gotenks is able to trap him in a little sphere (the Buu Buu Volleyball). He,Videl,Gine,and Piccolo play some volleyball with Super Buu. Gotenks spikes him down to the Earth. Just when it seems like Super Buu is dead,a powerful blast of energy comes from the crater.

With Super Buu once again ready to fight,Gotenks reveals that he only has a few minutes left until he separates. Gotenks,Piccolo,Videl,and Gine and Super Buu continue their fight. The Z Fighters seem to be wearing Super Buu down,and now has the upper hand in the fight.

Note: Yes,I made Videl a Z Fighter. Deal With It.

Just as he is about to hit Super Buu with the finishing blow,Gotenks unexpectedly returns straight to his normal state from his Super Saiyan 3 form. The power was too high for him to sustain. Super Buu begins beating up Gotenks,who is now no match for him.

The others try to help and do well,but,without Super Gotenks helping them,they are eventually beaten. Meanwhile,Gohan has finally finished his training,and he is ready to return to Earth. After saying goodbye to Kakarot for what they both believe will be the last time,The Supreme Kai takes him back to Earth. Gohan asks Supreme Kai to change his clothes to the same ones that his Dad was wearing. Supream Kai does this and wishes Gohan Luck. Gohan is ready to take down Super Buu. 


Episode 77 - The Birth Of A New And More Terrifying Super Demon! 

Gotenks has separated and now the heroes are at the Monster's mercy (or lack there of). Gohan arrives at the scene. While Piccolo and Trunks are shocked to see that Gohan is still alive,Goten,Gine,and Videl are overjoyed and give the Half-Sayan hero a hug.

They are also in awe of how much power Gohan has now. Gohan confronts Super Buu and expertly pounds Super Buu to a pulp,Super Buu heals himself and steps up the intensity. However,Gohan still has the upper hand,and he easily picks Super Buu apart.

Realizing that he is totally outmatched,Super Buu decides to self-destruct,hoping to take Gohan with him. Gohan escapes before Super Buu explodes,and he takes the others with him out of the blast radius. Afterwards,there is no sign of Super Buu,but Gohan knows that he is still around.

They suddenly detect Dende's energy signal,and they go to find him. On the way,they pick up Hercule Satan and the dog named Bee. Hercule is so happy that his daughter is alright. Dende explains that as Super Buu was escaping through the interdimensional hole,Mr. Popo threw him off the lookout,because without him,there would be no Dragon Balls.

Hercule Satan becomes shocked and semi-horrified to learn that his daughter was fighting Super Buu and angrily berates Gohan for letting her get into harms way. But Videl tells her father that she chose to fight,because it was the right thing and that she's much stronger than he thinks. Gine explains that Super Buu killed everybody on the lookout and on Earth,but will use the Dragon Balls to restore everyone to life.

Android 16 arrives and tells everyone that he sensed that Hercule and Dende survived and that he will protect them,while the Z Fighters battle Super Buu,who he senses is still alive. Super Buu tracks them down,but he does not want a rematch with Gohan. Instead,he wants to fight Gotenks again. Hercule Satan yells at Super Buu,saying that Super Buu has broken his promise to not kill anybody. Goten and Trunks fuse into Gotenks again and is ready for battle. 

Super Buu secretly separates two small chunks from his back,and the two little pink blobs creep around behind Piccolo,Trunks and Gohan. Android 16 detects that something's a miss and warns everyone to stay on guard,but it's too late as the small blobs quickly expand and encase both Piccolo and Gotenks.

Super Buu calls each of the blobs back to him. The Blobs rush to Super Buu at a rapid pace and merges with him. Everyone is shocked at what just happened. Super Buu's appearance has changed and he now has access to all of Piccolo's and Gotenks' abilities and power. The new and improved Super Buu (known now as Super Buu level 2) challenges Gohan. 

Gohan tells Gine and Videl to stay put and that he'll handle Buu. AS Super Buu Lvl. 2,Super Buu is now more poweful,but is still no match for Gohan. Gohan is able to keep up with Super Buu's speed and strength. Seeing no other option,Super Buu uses Mind Games against Gohan. 

It works and Buu manages to fight a mentally shaken Gohan on even ground. Gine and Videl want to help Gohan,but are talked out of it by Android 16. On the Sacred World of the Kai's Kakarot and the 2 Supreme Kai are horrified at how strong and intellegent Buu had become.  

Old Kai feels that thanks to Buu mentally unshaking Gohan,the pink Monster will eventually win.

TBC in Chap. 14. 

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