Thursday, January 13, 2022

Dragon Ball - Legacy of Gine Vol. 11

Episode 60 - He Is Power,He Is Perfection,He Is Cell!!!!

Krillin leaves the Kame House to intercept Bulma so he can obtain her shut-down device before Cell absorbs Androids 17 and 18. Unwilling to wait helplessly, Tien leaves as well,to help Piccolo on the battlefield. Meanwhile,17 refuses to heed Piccolo's warnings about Cell,and is quickly defeated. Piccolo tries to ward off Cell,but Cell has become too powerful for him to handle. Cell quickly breaks Piccolo's neck,before blasting him through the chest at point-blank range,and then tossing the Namekian's body into the sea. 

Cell turns his attention to Android 17,intending to absorb him. Android 16 decides to enter the fight in order to prevent Cell from reaching his Perfect Form,because Cell has Both Gine and Kakarot's DNA and He won't stand by and let the World that he loves be dominated. 

The two fight at an even level,with 16 landing a massive blast on Cell. However,Cell survives it and,thanks to some trickery,absorbs Android 17. Cell transforms into his Semi-Perfect Form and gains incredible power. 16 is utterly ineffective against the Monster.   

Just when all hope is lost,Tien appears and uses his Tri-Beam technique to hold off Cell so Android 16 and 18 can escape. To Gine,Kakarot,and and Gohan's great concern,Tien repeatedly fires his Super Tri-Beam,drastically draining his ki in order to hold Cell down while Androids 16 and 18 escape. Tien eventually runs out of ki and collapses,at the mercy of a furious Cell.

Unwillingly to wait idly at Kami's Lookout anymore,Gine and Kakarot uses their Instant Transmission to come to Tien's aid. While confronting Cell,Gine also notices that Piccolo is still alive,and retrieves him. The Mother/Son Saiyan duo teleport back to the Lookout with the two fallen warriors,where they are eventually healed via Senzu Beans.

Shortly afterward,Trunks and Vegeta emerge from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber,stating that they have successfully surpassed the level of Super Saiyan. Bulma arrives at the Lookout baring gifts - Saiyan Armor of her own design. The Quintet of Saiyans put the Armor on (Gine,naturally,doesn't wear the boots.) Gine compliments Bulma on her crafting such accurate Saiyan Armor.

Vegeta and Trunks leave to confront Cell,while Gine,Kakarot,and Gohan prepare to enter the time chamber for their own training. Meanwhile, Cell begins searching for Android 18,who is hiding on one of the nearby islands. 

Vegeta and Trunks arrive as Super Saiyans. After some taunting, Vegeta initiates a transformation that produces a form beyond that of Super Saiyan - evidenced by increased muscle size and an intense golden aura. As an Ascended Super Saiyan, Vegeta makes easy work of Cell while Trunks watches from the sidelines.

Meanwhile, Kakarot,Gine,and Gohan begin their training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber,where Kakarot states that he will not only make Gohan a Super Saiyan,but that he will make Gohan the strongest in the World. Gine reveals that she can also go Super Saiyan and she gained the ability to do so last year. Gine transforms into a Super Saiyan and tells her family,that the thought of an Apocalyptic Future and the need to prevent it,made her go Super Saiyan.

Gohan asks why she had to hide it? Gine reveals that She had to hide it from Vegeta,so that he wouldn't co crazy and blow up the world. And so the Training begins. Meanwhile,Vegeta effortlessly pushes Cell around and inflicts significant damage. When Cell uses Vegeta's own Galick Gun to no effect,he realizes that he might not be able to absorb Android 18 and become the "Perfect Supreme Ruler Of The Universe". Cell then gets an idea - Appeal to the Saiyan Prince's passion to fight strong opponents.

Note: The reason why Cell wants to Rule instead of Destroy,is because he's less Malevolent in this Universe due to him not only having Gine's Cells,but also lacking Frieza's.

He tells Vegeta that if he were to absorb Android 18,then he would be a greater challenge to Vegeta. Trunks warns Vegeta not to fall into Cell's trap. Not far away,Krillin arrives with the Shut-Down Controller. 

He sees 18 and gets flustered. He then contemplates whether or not to use the emergency shutdown controller,and he has trouble deciding due to his crush on 18,which began with an embarrassing moment withher during their first encounter (when Android #18 kissed Krillin). 

Krillin always had a crush on Bulma,in fact it was the biggest reason why he liked rubbing her feet whenever she asked. However,those feelings for Bulma faded when she got with Vegeta. And 18 was on a whole nother level of pretty. After wrestling with his emotions,Krillin decides not to destroy 18. 18 spots him and sees the controller in his hands. But to Her shock,Krillin stomps on the controller,destroying it. So much for being a Hero,eh Krillin?

Krillin tells her that now is their chance to get off the island,and that she and Android 16 must leave now. Cell successfully persuades Vegeta to let him find and absorb Android 18, but Trunks is determined to prevent this and delivers his own beating to Cell.

During a break in the action, Cell spots Krillin,,16,18,who are distracted by their own awkward meeting. Vegeta attempts to keep Trunks from interfering,forcing Trunks to fight his own father in order to prevent him from allowing Cell to reach his perfect form.

While this is going on,Cell easily fends off Android 16 and Krillin. Cell,has had enough games and uses Solar Flare to blind everyone. He then absorbs Android 18. 18 struggles to get free,but it's no use and she losses her shoes in the process.

With 18 fully absorbed,Cell achieves his Perfect Form. 


Episode 61 - Perfection Is Perfection,and Cell Is Perfection!

Back in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber,Gohan asks Kakarot and Gine to get serious in his training,so both Saiyans transform into a Super Saiyan and fires a double Kamehameha on Gohan. Gohan thinks of all the times he has let his friends down and the need to be there for them,gets angry,and finally transforms into a Super Saiyan. 

Back at the battlefield, Vegeta disregards Cell's Perfect Form as nothing special and he is just the same as before. Krillin is angry at Cell for absorbing Android 18, so he charges towards Cell and attempts to attack him by using his Destructo Disk technique,but the attack has no effect whatsoever. Cell then lightly kicks Krillin to one side,leaving him almost dead,but Trunks rushes to his aid and feeds him a Senzu Bean,saving him from near death. 

Vegeta starts his fight with Cell and after a short while he soon realizes Cell's power far exceeds his own. In the background, Krillin and Trunks are talking about how Trunks has hidden his own true power,one even greater than Vegeta's but kept secret from him due to Vegeta's towering pride.

Trunks plans to fight Cell when Vegeta is unconscious in order to hide his powers from Vegeta to prevent his father from losing his pride. Desperate to kill Cell, Vegeta resorts to using his ultimate attack,the Final Flash. Vegeta calculates his attack and avoids destroying the entire Earth and also manages to take off Cell's right arm,but with Piccolo's DNA,Cell easily regenerates his arm. And,in addition,thanks to the Saiyan DNA,Cell will be getting a nice Zenkai Boost soon,making him even stronger.

Cell knocks Vegeta unconscious and Trunks takes this chance to unleash his hidden powers onto Cell. Trunks momentarily lets Cell push him around a little in order to create a chance for Krillin to take the unconscious Vegeta to a safe location. Now that Vegeta is out of commission, Trunks and Cell can begin their real fight.

Trunks powers up to Ultra Super Saiyan, which makes him stronger than Cell,but not faster or nor agile. In fact,this new form lacks Any type of efficient mobility,due to the sheer bulk of it. Cell sees the weakness of Trunks' new Transformation and decides to have some fun.

In the Hyperbolic Time Chamber,Kakarot manages to power up to the same bulked-up transformation as Trunks,but decides not to use that form,due to it's severe lack of speed and agility. Gine agrees stating that without great speed and agility,great strength is useless. So the trio of Saiyans decide to focus on mastering the normal Super Saiyan form instead.

Back at the battlefield,Cell gets bored and Trunks finally realizes the weakness of the Ultra Super Saiyan form and powers down in defeat. Cell asks Trunks where Kakarot has been lately? Trunks tells him that Kakarot is training hard and Will be the one to destroy him. 

Cell decides to hold his own World Martial Arts Tournament,where anyone can enter to fight him. He even decides to allow Trunks and friends to train for the Tournament. Cell tells Trunks to keep an eye on the local news,as he will be announcing the time and location of his Tournament. Cell leaves a frustrated Trunks.


Episode 62 - The Grand Return Of The Earth's Dragon Balls!

When Krillin and Vegeta arrive,Trunks informs everyone of the tournament to be held by Cell and Android 16 asks to be taken back to Capsule Corporation where he can be repaired. Krillin agrees to 16's request. Bulma also notifies everyone on Kami's Lookout to go there to meet up.

After Cell finishes arranging his tournament ring,he then heads off to a news station to broadcast his message via television announcing details about his tournament,the "Cell Games,"and states if that all the warriors lose to him,he will kill them all,and take his rightful place as the "Perfect Supreme Ruler Of The World" and warns that he Will destroy any who oppose him. After revealing the location and time (2 weeks from now),Cell leaves,leaving everyone in a panic.

Meanwhile, Gine,Kakarot,and Gohan are still training,as Super Saiyans. The people of Earth are in a panic after Cell's announcement of the Cell Games. As the heroes are talking about the Cell Games,Gine,Kakarot,and Gohan emerge from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber,as Full Power Super Saiyans.

Kakarot immediately requests that Mr. Popo prepare a meal and Trunks explains the latest Cell developments. After eating,Gine and Kakarot put on their normal outfits back on and Gohan gets a new one from Piccolo,one that perfectly matches that of his Namekian mentor.

Kakarot then teleports to the site of the Cell Games and confronts Cell. Gine appears a moment after her Son leaves. She confronts Cell too and tells him that his plans for World Conquest will be snuffed out at the Cell games,because the heroes have a secret weapon that will annihilate him. Cell tells the barefooted Saiyan Woman that he eagerly awaits it.

After returning to the Lookout,Kakarot and Gine announces that they and Gohan will not be entering the time chamber again,as they believe that they being overpowered would be too unfair. Instead,for the remaining days until the Cell Games,they will train in the real world. The 3 Saiyans then fly down to the Kame House to greet Chi-Chi and their remaining friends.

As Piccolo completes his training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber,Vegeta goes in. Meanwhile,Gine,Kakarot,and Gohan are spending their days relaxing and training at home. Chi Chi helps with the training,though she will not be taking part in the games. Chi Chi decides to do it barefooted too.

Meanwhile,King Furry's Royal Military launches an offensive strike against Cell. Cell didn't want to kill them,as he wanted the King's Army for his own,but he has no choice but to. The entire Army is whiped out. Cell laments the foolishness of King Furry's decision to send his Men on a suicide mission.

After hearing about this over the radio,Gine teleports to the Lookout and asks Piccolo if it is possible for him to create New Dragon Balls,so that she can use the them to revive all the people Cell killed? 

Piccolo reveals that,even though he inherited most of Kami's abilities after their re-fusion,the one thing he can't do is create more Dragon Balls. Gine get's an idea,it's a bit selfish,but they are choiceless. She teleports to King Kai's planet in Otherworld and asks the Guardian of the Northern Quadrant for help in locating New Namek.

After getting help from King Kai in locating New Namek,Gine travels there via Instant Transmission and explains the situation. The Grand Elder Moori offers Dende to be the new Guardian and Gine takes him back to Earth.

Upon arriving on Earth,Dende revives the Dragon Balls and that this time they can grant two wishes. He also tells Gine that when he's older and more mature,he can re-calibrate the Balls to grant 3. Gine is Happy and leaves to tell the others.

During the remaining days leading up to the Cell Games,Kakarot and Gine searches for the newly awakened Dragon Balls,Vegeta and the others finish their training,and Krillin and Gohan have a fun reunion with Dende. Meanwhile,Bulma and Dr. Brief have completed Android 16's repairs. 16 thanks them and as a token of his appreciation,he will try to ignore his programing and Not kill Kakarot and Gine. 16 then leaves to enjoy the Briefs' nature preserve.

Meanwhile,the 24th World Martial Arts Tournament champion Mr. Hercule Satan announces to the world that he will defeat Cell and demonstrates his strength. On the day of the Cell Games, it is revealed that if the new Dragon Balls can't revive anyone who's already been revived by Shenron. Despite the others' concern,Gine and Kakarot remain positive and they all head towards the Cell Games Arena. 


Episode 63 - The Future Perfect Master Of The World Presents - The Cell Games

Hurcule Satan is the 1st one to arrive at the Cell Games and hypes himself up in front of the media. Vegeta,Android 16,Kakarot,Gine,Gohan,Piccolo,Trunks,Krillin,Tien,and Yamcha arrive at the stage. Hercule insists he goes before him first. He tries to intimidate Cell by breaking some tiles and breaking a crowbars in two. Hercule Satan then goes on the attack,but Cell knocks him out of the ring with a single blow,not even bothering to kill him - even calling him a "Moron".

Cell tells everyone that the Cell Games will now begin. Kakarot steps into the ring,but Gine wants a shot too. Cell because he feels generous,he decides to let the Saiyans take him on in a handicap Tag-Team fight,he thinks it'll be fun. 

Full Power Super Saiyan Kakarot and Cell begin to fight, and despite putting on an impressive performance,Gine,Gohan and Vegeta realize that neither of them is using their full power yet. All 3 fighters then power up.

After a brief battle,Kakarot tags in Gine. She dodges Cell's Doom Laser (inherited by King Cold) and engages in full contact fighting,when Cell initiates Tien's Multi-Form technique. He then uses Piccolo's Special Beam Canon,finally Krillin's Destructo Disk.

When Gine overcomes each of these techniques, Cell prepares a full-power Kamehameha capable of destroying the Earth. Gine diverts the attack away from the planet by taking to the sky,and then uses the Instant Transmission to escape back to the ring. However,when Cell utilizes his some of his full speed,comes close to overwhelming the Barefooted Saiyan woman.

Gine tags Kakarot back in. Kakarot begins fighting at his max,with the two fighters reaching a pace that is barely visible to most of the onlookers. The power levels of both fighters are equal,and they land powerful blows on each other.

Cell then decides to destroy the tournament ring,ensuring that their battle cannot be ended by a ring out and can continue until one of them either dies or surrenders. He then decides to let Gine join in the fight. Both Mother and Son fight at max and manage to overwhelm Cell - or so they think. Cell eventually powers up to 60% and the fight becomes officially even.

During the battle,the Media's cameras get destroyed by the dust and debris generated by the high intense fight. Hercule is stunned and secretly a bit scared of these "Super Human" fighters. So much so that he fakes a stomach ache whenever he is asked to step in.

Over time,the ki of all 3 fighters have depleted considerably,the battle continues on. Cell powers up again,this time up to 80% and the battle begins to turn in his favor. Both Kakarot and Gine relize that they don't stand a chance,but are still hopefull that their "Secret Weapon" can do the job and save the World.

It's also clear to the rest of the Z Fighters that both Kakarot and Gine are struggling. To everyones shock,both Kakarot and Gine announce surrender,but tell Cell that he has one more fighter to battle,their "Secret Weapon".

With all eyes and ears glued to this moment of truth to learn the identity of Kakarot and Gine's "Secret Weapon",the 2 battle-worn Super Saiyans shock everyone further by announcing that Gohan will be the next and last contestant to fight Cell. And that the Boy Is indeed,the "Secret Weapon".


Episode 64 - Gohan Son,A Perfect Nightmare For The Perfect Warrior!

Piccolo and Krillin protest this decision Hard,but Gine convinces them and Gohan agrees and takes Cell on. Gohan impresses everyone with his power - which proves to be on par Cell's. Cell,realizing that he might lose,powers up to 100% and over powers and out classes Gohan.  

Despite being a Full Power Super Saiyan,Gohan shows no signs of winning this fight,Cell is just too fast and too strong. Gine tells Gohan to unleash his true power,but Gohan tells his grandmother that he can't and that he doesn't know how. Cell is interested in seeing this power and beats up on Gohan,trying to get him to awaken it.

Android 16 wants to do something,but Gine tells him to stay back and that She'll save her grandson. But,Cell knocks her back with his energy. Growing beyond bored with Gohan,Cell decides to abandon his mission to awaken Gohan's true power and just finish him off instead,telling the Child that he has no use for him if he won't unleash his full power and that the boy has no right to exist in His "New World Order". Cell fires a Special Beam Cannon.

Gohan is to weak to move. All seems lost for the Half-Saiyan boy,as the Special Beam Cannon is headed straight for him. But in a move that could be concidered "Heroic",Kakarot jumps infront of the Beam and takes it for his Son,killing him.

Note: Due to being rased better,Kakarot has something that Goku never had - Fatherly Instinct.

Everyone,but Cell,is shocked that Kakarot would do this. After some touching dying words to his Son,Kakarot dies. Suddenly,Kakarot's body disappears. This was all King Kai's doing,as the Guardian has something planned for him.

Witnessing his father die for him causes so much grief and rage for Gohan,that it causes him to Transform into a Super Saiyan 2. 

Everyone,but Gine,is shocked to feel how Strong Gohan has become. 16 realizes that Kakarot is an honorable man and will ask Dr. Brief to remove his "Terminate Gine and Kakarot" programming later. Gohan now focuses his attention on Cell,and from the onset of the battle,it is clear that Gohan holds the advantage.

Gohan cripples Cell with 2 powerful punches,leaving him in shock. Cell resorts to using the various attacks that he "inherited" to kill Gohan,who he hates so much for opposing him. However,these attacks are no match for Gohan. Gohan then beats Cell up some more. Gine is so proud of her Grandson. 

After being easily bested in battle,Cell attempts to destroy Gohan with a giant,full-power Kamehameha, but Gohan produces an even stronger wave and reflects Cell's attack with ease.Gohan's attack absorbs Cell's,and the blast eventually overcomes Cell when he fails to deflect it.

As the rest of the fighters predict an easy victory,Gine recalls that even in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber,Gohan displayed strength far beyond that of a normal Super Saiyan,recalling how Gohan had briefly transformed into a Super Saiyan 2 during their training (before passing out).

Gohan's attack has also taken off Cell's legs, and parts of his arm. An angry Cell regenerates his missing limbs,and promises to make Gohan suffer for denying his destiny of becoming "The Universe's Perfect Ruler". Gohan is unimpressed.

Cell bulks up,but the increase in muscle mass lowers his speed greatly,and as a result none of his attacks connect with Gohan. Gohan counters with a powerful blow to Cell's head,and to his stomach, causing Cell to regurgitate Android #18(complete with one bare foot missing a sock). Cell reverts to his Semi-Perfect Form. 

Gohan powers up a Super Kamehameha and destroys Cell. In the Otherworld,Kakarot and King Kai are at Earth's Check-In station waiting for a flight to the Grand Kai's palace to seek training from the Grand Kai himself. Kakarot thanks King Kai for allowing him to keep his body in death. King Kai reveals that he has some special training he wants Kakarot to partake in. 

Kakarot wonders where Cell is? since everyone who died comes to the Check-in station to be judged by King Yemma. The duo then get a shocking revelation. Back on Earth,Krillin picks up Android 18,with intent to help her. Suddenly,an evil laugh can be heard. Cell has reappeared - And is in his Perfect Form.   


Episode 65 - A Perfect Final Battle With The Perfect Warrior!

Cell reveals that he thought he was a goner,but wasn't thanks to his nucleus surviving the explosion. He also reveals that thanks to his own Cell's special "Photographic Memory,he was able to regenerate into his Perfect Form. He also used his ability to suppress his energy to Zero,to surprise everyone.

And that thanks to his Saiyan genetics,he is far stronger than ever before - He Is Super Perfect Cell! Cell shoots a hyper fact Death Beam at Trunks,killing him. Cell tells everyone that after he's killed them all,he will take his rightful place as the "Super Perfect Supreme Ruler Of The Universe!!!".

Enraged by the death of his son,Vegeta unleashes a furious barrage of ki blasts at Cell but is easily defeated,and is only saved from certain death when Gine intercepts Cell's blast and takes the full force of the attack. With Gine injured and her left arm broken,she tells Gohan that it's up to him Now. 

Gohan powers up again. Cell prepares one final Kamehameha to kill Gohan and the Z Warriors once and for all. Vegeta asks Gine why? Gine tells Vegeta that despite her disliking his attitude,she still respects him as a fellow Saiyan and doesn't want him to die. Vegeta calls Gine a fool. 

Gohan prepares a final,Kamehameha to repel Cell's blast,determined to save Earth. As the two warriors struggle to overpower each other,Android 16,Piccolo,Tien,Yamcha,and Krillin bombard Cell with ki blasts in a knowingly futile attempt to help, but are easily repelled.

As Gine coaxes Gohan to release his full power against Cell,Vegeta and Gine return to the battlefield and launches one final Big Bang Attack and a final Feet Kamehameha respectively at the monster. The attacks hurt Cell a bit and destract him.

Seeing the opportunity, Gohan finally releases his full strength and is able to overpower Cell's blast, obliterating Cell and saving the Earth. Gohan has won and the Cell Games are finally over.


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