Monday, April 26, 2021

Mega Man Xenoverse Project: Side Missions

Chrono City,Realm Between Time.

The Barefooted Reploid Trio,known as the Chrono Savers are chilling in the City,talking with various people,including clones of various historical characters. Most of the female copies are all barefoot due to style and comfort.

Note: Character Bios will be available eventually.

The Trio are called back to tne Library by Time Woman,who's maskless and barefooted now. Without her mask,Time Woman looks even more beautiful. Her bare feet look pretty too. Time Woman coments how cool it is to finally be out of her boots and thinks about getting a pedi later.

Anyway,the reason why she called for the Savers is that the Arena will be opening soon,but they need a special part for the new Mass Snack Machine..a part that's only available in the Halcyon Era.

Time Woman gives the Savers some Zenni and sends them to The Halcyon Era.

XXXX,Apple Market,Kattelox City,Kattelox Island

The Savers purchace the needed part from the Electronics Store,upon exiting,they witness the first confrontation between Rock Voulnut and Tron Bonne. After dialogue,Tron has her Servbots attack in their tanks.

The Savers think about helping,but shouldn't because interfering with the timeline would be wrong. They leave to let Voulnut take care of business.
Back at the Library.

Time Woman thanks the girls for running the errand and exlains that the part can make the Mass Snack Machine replicate snacks and drinks. She tells them that the Arena will be open tomorrow,in the meantime,they should check out the new Chrono Saver HQ in the City and meet the new Recruits.

The Savers head to the new CSHQ and meet some fresh faces,both male and female. Most of the females have decided to go barefoot for various reasons. One female recruit,a Fighter Class,even mentions that fighting barefoot is the best way to fight and to screw boots.

The Saversvare called back to the Library by Time Woman,who tells them that something troubling is happening in the Wily Wars Era. She tells the Savers that someone has increased the strength and intellegence of the Stardroids and that they've conquered Earth. She believes that a remenant of the Chrono Killers is the one responsible and that The Chrono Killer tech might be the cause of the Stardroids Power boost.

Time Woman searches through the Wily Wars Era Book to see When this event occoured. She finds that the evil one has struck before the Stardroids came to Earth. She sends the Chrono Savers to The Stardroids Home World to defeat the Stardroids and de-power them.

20XX,Stardroid World,Space

The Chrono Savers arrive on the Stardroids Homeworld. They are suddenly greeted by a 23XX warrior who looks like Sigma. The man taunts the heroines before introducing himself as Mega Man E (sigma),a man who Hates the World and wants to see it destroyed.

Mega Man E (sigma) reveals that he has enhenced the Stardroids abilities and power,so that they can destroy the World that he hates so much. He then attacks the Chrono Savers and a fight begins.

The Savers defeat Mega Man E (sigma). He promises retribution and leaves. The Savers move on to the Stardroids compound,where they find them ready to leave for Earth. Terra,the leader,decides to deal with the Savers,before going to Earth.

The Savers defeat the Stardroids one-by-one and destroy the chips that were making them super powerful. They then face off against Terra,who uses his new power to it's fullest extent.

The Savers eventually defeat Terra and destroys the chip that gave him his enhenced powers. They then wipe their memories of this incident using their special light pens. With their Mission Complete,the Savers head back home.
Back at the Library,Time Woman is not too surprised that their are other villains besides the Chrono Killers. She's determined to stop Mega Man E (sigma) from decimating the timelines and destroying the world.

Suddenly,another time disterbance occours,this time in the Maverick Wars Era. Mega Man E (sigma) has helped Gareth and Berkana destroy the Maverick Hunters. The Erasurevincident is now a pandemic,thanks to Mega Man E (sigma).

Time Woman pinpoints the exact location of the meeting between the Soul Erasers and Mega Man E (sigma) and sends the Savers there.
21XX,Laguz Island,Earlier.

Berkana and Gareth are chatting with Mega Man E (sigma),when the Chrono Savers appear. Annoyed,Mega Man E(sigma) convinces the Soul Erasers that the Chrono Savers are the ones sent to stop their Soul Eraser project. With That The 3 villains attack.

The Chrono Savers defeat the bad guys. MME (sigma) escapes. The Savers wipe the Soul Erasers memories of this encounter and leave.
Back at the Library,Time Woman tells the barefooted heroines that Mega Man E (sigma) is on the move again,this time he's gone back to just before the Elf Wars,where he's taken control of Omega. This time,she's gonna send them back just before Mega Man E (sigma) arrives.

She sends the Savers on their way.
21XX,Unknown Area,Before the Elf Wars,Earlier.

The Savers arrive and await Mega Man E (sigma). He arrives and is annoyed that the Savers have predicted his actions in the timestreme. He realizes that to succeed,he must destroy them All.

The Chrono Savers defeat Mega Man E (sigma) once and for all. Mega Man E (sigma) powers down to reveal a reploid man. He curses the Chrono Guardians and because of them,his dreams of a ruined world that he could rebuild in his image was destroyed.

He reveals that he hates the world,because it refused to make him the Master. One day,while raiding The remains of Ms.Regal's organization,he found a Powerful Bio-Metal in an old cave. It told him that it can make his wish come true. 

After merging with the Bio-Metal,he secretly stole travel tech and got right to work. Suddenly,Bio-Metal E (sigma) comes to life and kills the Man for his failure. The Bio-Metal reveals himself to be Sigma himself as a Bio-Metal. He saw the potential of his puppet to help him destroy the world,but that has gone south. So Now he'll have to do things himself.

Bio-Metal Sigma transforms into a Monster and attacks the Savers. The Savers fight and destroy Sigma. After the battle,the Savers leave for home.
Back at The Library,Time Woman is releived that things are back to normal. She congratulate the Chrono Savers on a job well done and tells them to take a rest and that tomorrow,they can have fun at the Arena.

The Chrono Savers leave the barefooted Guardian of Time to enjoy themselves in tbe City.

Mega Man Xenoverse Continues...

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